4 Email Marketing Tactics To Boost Conversion Rate

by Haider Ali Khan 0

4 Email Marketing Tactics To Boost Conversion Rate

It’s no secret that email marketing remains an effective way to communicate with your target audience. And the more click throughs you get to your website, the more you will likely convert prospects into customers. More importantly, more clicks to your website means more traffic – ultimately leading to better SEO rankings. But boosting your email conversion rate isn’t as easy as it sounds. Here are some tactics to help you on your way:

Segment Your Email Database To Ensure More Targeted Communication

According to SEO Shark, depending on what you sell, you probably have to segment your database. You must follow this strategy when sending out emails so that you don’t end up sending irrelevant emails to everyone. Here are some benefits of segmenting your database:

  • You can target your audience with the most relevant content that they easily understand and take action with.
  • You can personalise your content based on specific behaviours and shopping patterns to refine messages.
  • You can break up your content so your audience is always getting something new and fresh.

Understanding how each type of audience behaves and shops will help you better segment your lists for more personalised and targeted communication. Once you’re able to do this, you’ll start to notice an almost immediate increase in your email conversion rate.

Make Your Email Content Valuable Without Having A Sales Pitch Every Time

With so many brands focusing on email marketing and other online strategies, how can you make sure that your content is valuable to your audience? Consider the following:

  • If possible, try not to sell with every email because your audience will eventually get bored and look elsewhere.
  • Try to get creative with interesting content that is relevant to your audience. This could be in the form of hints & tips, newsletters and other email content that doesn’t always end up with a sales pitch.
  • Make sure you write content that is trending and relevant to what your audience is looking for. If they aren’t actively looking for it online, it’s not relevant to them so make sure you research keywords regularly for your marketing strategy.

Creating content that is valuable to your target audience can be difficult when you don’t know what they want. This is why it’s important to do enough research beforehand so you know exactly what your audience is looking for online. You can then use emails to respond to these online queries.

Give Away Offers Or Incentives To Entice Your Target Audience

When you first start your email marketing campaign, it can be hard to get people to open your content – let alone convert them into customers for your business. A good way to get people interested in your products and services is to give away enticing offers or incentives. Consider the following:

  • Lead your email with the offer so your readers know the message you’re trying to convey at the start. The clearer your message, the better the chance of a conversion.
  • Showcase related products and services so your audience is aware of your repertoire of offerings along with the incentives you provide.
  • Make sure the offer is relevant to your specific audience and tailor your content accordingly.

Never underestimate the power of a good offer. People are always looking for more value, so find a way to provide it to them.

Make Sure The Email Is Optimised For Mobile

Most people access everything, including their emails, via their mobile devices so your email must be optimised for all devices. Consider the following:

  • Write a short subject line so it doesn’t look strange on mobile devices.
  • Make sure text is properly broken up for easy reading on smaller devices.
  • Reduce copy to the bare minimum without losing the focus of your main message.
  • Use larger fonts and simpler language to boost readability.
  • Reduce image sizes to ensure faster load times and less data usage.

With mobile devices becoming the preferred method of surfing the Internet, reading emails and researching content, your email campaign must cover this area to be successful. When you optimise for mobile, you’ll also boost your SEO rankings over time.

Remember to always test your tactics regularly to ensure you’re optimising your email campaign for the best results. At the end of the day, you need to convince your target audience to become customers. Reviewing your tactics periodically is an important step to help you do that.