Common Kitchen Design Mistakes To Avoid

by Haider Ali Khan 0

Common Kitchen Design Mistakes To Avoid

Redesigning your kitchen can change your world, and you can spend hours planning the perfect design. But when it comes time to actually start the renovations, do you really know what you are doing? Believe it or not, there are a lot of common mistakes people make when designing and redesigning their kitchen. Make sure to learn what these common kitchen design mistakes are to avoid them:

Drawers and Cabinets That Collide

Nothing is more annoying than trying to open a cabinet and drawer and having another one become unusable. If two doors can’t be opened at once, you’ve made a grave mistake. The best way to get around this problem is to measure everything two or three times. Imagine opening every single door and drawer in the kitchen at the same time to prevent future collisions and doors that swing open in the wrong direction.

Not Enough Lighting

Did you know that you’re supposed to have 3 types of lights in your kitchen? Probably not. Every kitchen should have an overhead, spot, and accent light to prevent the space from looking sterile and to provide an adequate amount of light for cooking and other activities. To remedy this mistake, have one high-watt overhead light mixed with hanging pendant lights or track lighting that can be repositioned.

Too Many Shelves

Sure, open shelving is gorgeous and can bring a design together beautifully, but be real here. Do you really want everything you own out on display, collecting dust? Probably not. In short, you want a mix of open shelving and closed cabinets for organization purposes. That way, you can display the items you are proud of, like cool cutlery from traveling, while keeping the fine china out of harm’s way.

Not Enough Electrical Outlets

Almost everything you need to have a successful and usable kitchen requires an electrical socket, starting from the dishwasher all the way to the microwave and KitchenAid. Think carefully about where you want these sockets placed so you can have more than one or two ports for your kitchen accessories and devices.

Too Much Stainless Steel

Yes, you read that right. Too much steel makes your kitchen look like a hospital. Mix and match the styles in your kitchen to create a sleek look. For example, you might use a glossy finish on your cabinets and drawers then have matte accent pieces to break up the stainless steel appliances.

Forgetting Where The Rubbish Goes

More often than not, you are going to forget that you need a place for the trash. Consider the placement of bins and cans in the kitchen before anything else so you can create pull-out drawers or a space for stowed cans to keep everything out of sight and pristine.

Kitchen design mistakes are common, but that doesn’t mean you have to be one of the many who run into these issues. With some careful planning and know-how, you can transform your kitchen into a stunning space that has the perfect balance of function and style.