Google Adsense redirects Australians to its Terms & Policies page

by Haider Khan 0

Google Adsense redirects Australian's to its Terms & Policies page

Google Adsense keeps redirecting many Australian users to “Google AdSense Terms & Conditions and Program Policies” page. After clicking “Yes, I have read and accept the Agreement” and “Continue to my Adsense account”, users are still redirected back to the same page ( after accepting the terms.

Therefore, if you are facing this issue, you aren’t alone. Many Australian’s are complaining about this problem on Google Adsense Forums, and so far no help has been received yet from the official Google Adsense team. We aren’t sure when Google Adsense will look into this yet, but we hope they resolve this problem as soon as possible. This page can surely be frustrating for webmaster and scary for many.

Users have tried Changing browsers, cleared their cache, cookies, and history. But nothing appears to be working. However, there is still a way to access AdSense if you really need to have a peak at your earnings. Simply visit Google Adsense Mobile, and the account should open.

Let’s hope Google Adsense looks into this issue as soon as possible. If we received any updates regarding Adsense Terms & Policies page redirect issue, we will update you on this news article.