The difference between common and Preferred Stocks

by Haider Ali Khan 0

The difference between common and Preferred Stocks

Do you know the difference between common stocks and preferred stocks? Most people assume they’re similar or understand one but not the other. However, an essential distinction between these two types of stock can have significant implications for your investments.

In this article, we will explore what makes common and preferred stocks different so that you can make more informed decisions in your portfolio. Keep reading to learn how recognising critical distinctions between these two kinds of shares can lead to greater rewards in the long run.

What is common stock?

Common stock is a type of financial security owners is entitled to in a corporation. It entitles shareholders to specific rights and privileges, such as voting on corporate matters and receiving dividends when the company does well. Common stockholders may receive periodic income payments, provided the company has done well for the particular dividend period.

Unlike preferred stocks, these payments are not guaranteed, so investors should exercise caution before investing in common stock. At the same time, common stock offers investors potential opportunities for gains; as long as they understand their risks, this type of security can be an exciting instrument in any investor’s portfolio.

What is preferred stock?

Preferred stock is a type of security that gives investors priority over common stockholders regarding dividends, liquidation preferences and voting rights. Preferred stocks offer their holders the right to receive fixed dividend payments ahead of those due to common shareholders.

Furthermore, preferred stock owners are usually given preference regarding ownership if the company should be liquidated. These securities may also come with more voting rights than ordinary shares and other privileges, such as limited protection from dilution.

The downside of owning preferred stocks is that they typically need to appreciate as their standard counterparts can; trading activity for these securities tends to be much lower than for trading stocks. Nonetheless, preferred stocks can provide additional protection and stability to an investor’s portfolio.

Differences between common and preferred stocks

When it comes to trading stocks, there is a clear distinction between ordinary and preferred shares. Common stockholders have the right to vote on corporate matters and are entitled to receive dividends if the company has done well.

Preferred stockholders, however, get priority over common shareholders regarding dividends and liquidation preferences. They may also be entitled to limited protection from dilution or more voting rights than those held by their standard counterparts.

Understanding the differences between these two types of security can help you make more informed decisions when trading stocks. Although both offer potential opportunities for gains and rewards, recognising the distinctions between common and preferred stocks can lead to more significant returns in the long run.

Tips for trading stocks

When trading stocks, it is essential to understand the distinctions between common and preferred securities. Consider your investing goals and objectives and weigh them against the rewards promised by either security before deciding.

It is also essential to ensure that you are adequately diversified across all types of stocks in your portfolio; this could mean trading both common and preferred stocks to achieve a balanced portfolio. Doing so can help reduce risk while maximising potential returns. Finally, consider trading costs when investing; higher trading fees can eat into any gains you make on your trades.

What are the risks involved in trading stocks?

Investing in stocks carries inherent risks, regardless of whether it is trading common or preferred shares. When trading stocks, it is crucial to be aware of the potential for losses and the possibility that your investments may not appreciate in value.

It is also essential to understand that trading stock can be a highly volatile investment; prices can go up and down quickly, so you should always be prepared to accept losses if necessary. Trading stocks also comes with transaction costs, such as commissions, which can further erode trade gains.

Finally, when trading stocks, you must conduct thorough research and understand the companies you are investing in. Doing so can help reduce the risk of loss associated with trading stocks.


Common and preferred stocks are two distinct types of security with different risks and rewards. Knowing the distinctions between these two can help investors make more informed decisions when trading stocks.

Furthermore, knowing the potential risks involved in trading stock, such as volatility and transaction fees, is essential. Understanding the differences between common and preferred stock can ultimately lead to more successful investment strategies for traders of all levels. With a thorough understanding of their benefits, privileges, and risks, this type of security can be an exciting instrument in any investor’s portfolio.