How to Improve eCommerce Conversion Rate

by Haider Ali Khan 0

How to Improve eCommerce Conversion Rate

Do you want to improve your eCommerce conversion rate? If so, you’re in luck! Here, we will discuss some tips to help you increase your conversion rate and boost your sales. We’ll go over website design, user experience, pricing strategy, and more. So whether you’re just starting in eCommerce or you’ve been doing it for a while, read on for some helpful tips!

Tips to Improve eCommerce Conversion Rate

Boosting your conversion rate is one way to increase sales. But how do you do it? We have a few quick tips.

Make your website mobile responsive

Every year, more and more people are shopping on their phones and tablets. EMarketer estimates that 70 percent of all digital media time will be spent on these devices by 2017. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, potential customers could land on your site and instantly abandon it because they can’t read or navigate it properly from their smartphones or tablets.

Optimize for speed

In 2016, 40 percent of consumers abandoned a website if it took longer than three seconds to load. And 57 percent of people said they wouldn’t recommend an online business if its website were slow. This is a big deal when it comes to conversions because speed has been found to correlate with higher search rankings, leading to more visits to your website and more sales opportunities. Behavioral analytics can help identify where people are getting stuck on your website, what objections they have to make a purchase, and what might be motivating them to abandon their shopping cart.

Use high-quality images

Images are an important part of any online store, helping shoppers visualize the products they’re interested in buying. But not all images are created equal—the poor quality or stock photos can hurt your conversion rate by making your site look less trustworthy and credible. So make sure to use only high-quality, professional photos on your website, and avoid using generic stock images whenever possible.

Include customer reviews and testimonials

Customer reviews are one of the most powerful conversion rate optimization tools you have at your disposal—92 percent of consumers say they read online reviews before making a purchase, and 88 percent say they trust these reviews as much as personal recommendations. If you don’t already have customer reviews on your website, start collecting them as soon as possible. If you have reviews, make sure to prominently display them on your product pages (including images of happy customers, if possible).

Instagram growth service

You could start by using an influencer marketplace like Ainfluencer to reach a larger audience or use an Instagram growth service to help grow your account and get more followers. One way to increase your following is to use an Instagram followers app like Crowdfire. Instagram is a visual social media platform with more than 800 million active users. It’s a great place to market your products and services because of the high engagement rates. Studies have shown that Instagram has a 2.3% click-through rate, much higher than other social media platforms.

Streamline the checkout process

The average shopping cart abandonment rate is a whopping 69 percent—that means that for every 100 people who add something to their online shopping cart, only 31 complete the purchase. There are many reasons why people abandon their shopping carts, but one of the most common is a long or complicated checkout process. To streamline your checkout process as much as possible to increase your chances of conversion.

Offer multiple payment options

According to a recent study, 38 percent of consumers say they would abandon their shopping carts if their preferred payment method weren’t available. So it’s important to offer as many different payment options as possible, including credit and debit cards, PayPal, and even cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. This will increase your conversion rate and make your customers happier and more likely to return in the future.

Provide live customer support

If a customer has a question or concern about a product they’re interested in, they want to be able to get an answer quickly and easily. That’s why it’s important to provide live customer support on your website, either through chat, email, or even a phone number. This will help to increase customer confidence and decrease the likelihood of shopping cart abandonment.

Offer free shipping

According to a recent study, free shipping is the number one factor that influences whether or not people make a purchase online. Nearly 60 percent of shoppers said they would abandon their shopping carts if required to pay for shipping. So if you want to increase your conversion rate, offer free shipping on all orders (or at least orders over a certain amount).

Use scarcity and urgency tactics

Scarcity and urgency are powerful conversion rate optimization techniques that encourage customers to purchase before it’s too late. For example, you might use a countdown timer on your product pages to create a sense of quickness or highlight that there are only a few items left in stock to create a sense of scarcity. These tactics can effectively increase conversion rates, but you should use them sparingly so as not to come across as desperate or pushy.

Test, test, test

The best way to find out what works for your business is to experiment with different conversion rate optimization techniques and see what produces the best results. This means constantly testing new ideas and strategies and then measuring their impact on your conversion rate. Only by constantly testing and experimenting will you be able to find the optimal way to increase your conversion rate and boost your bottom line.


You can increase your website’s conversion rate and boost your bottom line by following these tips. But remember, the best way to find out what works for your business is to experiment with different techniques and see what produces the best results. So don’t be afraid to test new ideas and strategies, and always be prepared to adjust your approach based on what you learn.