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8 Tech-Driven Solutions That Will Simplify Your Life

8 Tech-Driven Solutions That Will Simplify Your Life

Feeling overwhelmed? When everyday life feels hectic, it can seem impossible to manage your to-do list. However, you might not be spending your time and energy as wisely as you could be.

The key is to simplify wherever possible. And technology can help. These tech-enabled solutions will help you juggle responsibilities and declutter your mind so you can enjoy some rest and relaxation.

1. Online Pharmacies

If you already have a jam-packed schedule, making time to go to the doctor or pharmacy might be out of the question. Fortunately, online pharmacies like Nurx and Amazon Pharmacy are becoming the new normal. You simply order the medication through the app and await delivery.

These sites are a low-key, private way to get your medications. Whether you need genital herpes treatment or blood pressure medication, you can avoid the pharmacy hand-off. You’ll receive your prescription in discreet packaging right at home, no questions asked.

2. Digital Calendars

When organizing your life, paper calendars just don’t cut it anymore. You need to be able to access your calendar from anywhere. Otherwise, you run the risk of overbooking yourself or forgetting an appointment while on the go. This is why a digital calendar is an essential organizational tool.

Apps like Google Calendar and Apple Calendar are popular (and free!) options. You can color-code your schedule, set reminders, and send invitations. Busy families can share calendars with each other, and you can integrate your work and personal calendars. These customizable tools are key for keeping your daily life in order.

3. Virtual Assistants

“Alexa, fold my laundry.” While virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri won’t tidy up your house, they can certainly help tidy your mind. These tech tools do a whole lot more than play music. You can use your virtual assistant to make phone calls, set reminders, check the weather, and even request an Uber.

When choosing a virtual assistant, consider your specific needs. While the classic smart speaker likely comes to mind when you picture a virtual assistant, you have other options. Many AI virtual assistants, like Google Home, have a whole line of gadgets that you can put to use. You likely want a product that will integrate with some of your existing devices, so be sure to check  compatibility before making a decision.

4. Password Managers

Few situations are more frustrating than playing an endless game of “reset your password.” This is especially true when you’re paying bills or completing life admin tasks. Save time and avoid headaches by using a password manager. These tools store your login credentials in one secure location so you can access them in a pinch.

Some fan favorites include LastPass and 1Password, but there are a host of other tools available for this purpose. You can also download apps that autofill your login credentials, but that may not be wise on shared devices.

5. Meal Kit Delivery

No time to plan dinner? There’s an app for that. It’s no secret that planning and cooking meals is one of the more stressful parts of managing a hectic schedule. And this is true whether you’re a busy parent or a young, single professional.

Meal delivery kits like Blue Apron and HelloFresh take the guesswork out of chow time. All you have to do is choose your meals on the app, and the kit will come right to your door. You’ll not only get nutritious, reliable meals every day of the week, but more time with your loved ones as well.

6. Digital Grocery Lists

Meal kit delivery services aren’t for everyone. Even if you prefer to plan and cook your own meals, though, there are still ways to simplify. Switching from a paper list to a grocery app can make all the difference in your weekly shopping. Some of these apps have nifty features to streamline the process even more.

For example, the app AnyList allows you to share grocery lists with family members and store recipes. The app also syncs with virtual assistants, so you can add items to your list by voice. With high-tech features like these, you’ll never have to wing it at the grocery store again.

7. Budgeting Apps

When life gets stressful, it pays to keep your money straight. Budgeting apps like Mint and EveryDollar track your expenses, monitor your credit, and help you meet your financial goals. You can also use these tools to keep tabs on your bills so you never forget a due date. These tools put your entire financial life in one place, meaning you won’t have to dig through paper bills and bank statements.

When using a budget app, be sure to take advantage of all its notification features. The app will tell you if your spending seems unusually high in a certain category, for example. This will enable you to make the changes needed to meet your financial goals. Alerts like these offer peace of mind, so you won’t have to wonder whether you’re missing something.

8. Decluttering Apps

A cluttered home can often lead to a cluttered mind, and vice versa. Fortunately, there are several apps you can use to take inventory of your possessions. That way, you can decide what to sell or donate. Apps like Sortly allow you to take photos of your items, creating a visual log of everything you own. Other apps, like Decluttr, include barcode scanners to help with selling.

If you simply want to tidy up, you can also use technology to keep these tasks organized. Use a cleaning app like Tody to create a tidy-up to-do list. You will not only see what needs to be cleaned, but also when specific spaces were last tidied. You’ll never need to argue about who last cleaned the bathroom, and when, again.

When you’re busy with family and work, it’s often the small everyday tasks that fall through the cracks. You might forget to plan for dinner or pick up your prescriptions, for example. Fortunately, technology has your back. These types of tech solutions will help you manage the tiny details so you can focus on the big stuff.