Swipe control feature on Instagram

by Haider Ali Khan 0

Swipe control feature on Instagram

What is the swipe control feature on Instagram?

Social media advertising comes in many forms. One of them is Instagram. It is a powerhouse for advertising purposes. The “Swipe up control feature on Instagram” gives out availability for the users to post Instagram stories in a unique way. You will put up an informative story and add the swipe up feature in it. There can be a link to your website in the feature or even highlights of your daily activities.

This feature appears every time you are going to post a story, and it can help you ask your followers that if they want to continue exploring more information about the product you are advertising or not. The minute you get an audience of many more Instagram followers, people start watching every single thing you post. Including Instagram stories and your product is the thing that attracted them to follow you.

So they will be in touch. To give them an overview of what you are actually advertising, you need to learn how to use swipe control features on Instagram. 

Why do you need to use this feature?

If you are running a business and want to advertise your product out there on social media, Instagram is your best bet. When you start using Instagram, you will notice that people say this a lot that “click the link in my bio” or “for more details, please check out my bio.”

Well, Instagram made this a lot easier for people by upgrading this system. You need to use this feature because it will not only save a lot of time for you but also make it easier for your followers to see the story you daily put up and swipe up to visit the link of your website. They won’t have to open your account, and then see the link in the bio.

It is important that you use this feature because it is a pretty big deal for your followers when it comes to the swipe up control feature as people are tired of going and clicking the link in the bio. They need a shortcut, and Instagram created it. All you have to do is use it to draw people towards your Instagram page.

How to increase or boost your traffic with this feature?

Well, there is a catch. To access this feature, you need to have up to 10k followers on your business account. Only then will you be able to use this feature to drive more traffic. Not many people have these many followers, and that means they cannot access this feature.

But there is still hope. You can access this feature after 10k followers. That is not really hard if you try to gain these many followers by cool and high-quality content. Hard work is the key, Instagram will help you grow with the swipe up feature but you need to be on your own till you reach the 10k milestone. Try to be more patient and vigilant when it comes to gaining followers as a lot of people get bored and unfollow you all the time. Your content will attract them, so be more productive to increase your traffic and access this feature.

Sure, there is an easy way, and you can invest a small sum and buy Instagram followers to reach 10k in case you just can’t wait. Just keep in mind to get only real fans by small portions to make your increase look organic to your followers and to Instagram itself. Spare some time on tracking and sorting out inactive accounts from your audience.

But if you have 10k followers, then you can use the following Instagram features using swipe up control to boost your traffic: IGTV post with a link, poll stickers, Q&As on stories, etc.