Smart Cities Are Leveraging Technology To Improve Waste Management Systems

by Haider Ali Khan 0

Smart Cities Are Leveraging Technology To Improve Waste Management Systems

A smart city is one that effectively uses data and technology to produce efficient results and improve sustainability. They make use of the latest in tech, machinery and science to enhance their resident’s living conditions, including how they process and manage waste.

Some ways on how technology has improved waste management collection on smart cities include:

Quicker Turnaround Time

Companies are now investing in newer technology to provide a better and more responsive customer support for their consumers. Through mobile apps, individuals, homes and businesses can now send bill payment and provide service delivery in just a push of a button.

Better Waste-to-Energy Conversion

Smart countries are now focusing in on how they can turn waste into usable energy. Today, certain kinds of waste, including animal, food and bio-matter can be processed via special machines and turned into energy. Digesters can “eat” waste and turn them into biogas for fuel and powering machines.

Another stellar example is flue gas heat recovery which takes waste heat from flue exhaust gases and turn that into heat energy before transferring it back to the heat cycle. Instead of escaping to the atmosphere, flue gas is recycled and CO2 emission is reduced.

Optimized Routes

Inefficiency can lead to more waste in terms of energy, effort and time. Softwares that optimize routes and make it easier for the company to collect waste are now being implemented as a standard. Automated trucks that follow the best route, using robotic arms to pick up the bins are the more eco-friendly solutions than their traditional counterparts. Pickups from point a to point b allow for better financial return and is great for the environment as well.

Higher Recycling Percentage

Single stream recycling has made it easier for homes and businesses to put all their waste in one container. Robots and sensors can separate trash and put them in their respective categories at a much faster pace than it would take humans. Truck count is reduced and their gas emissions are lessened as well.